Archive for April, 2010

Intern of the Week Opinion: LP, EP, IP?

Zack Trahan:

(L)ong (P)layer, (E)xtended (Player), (I)nfinite (P)layer?

As gramophone and vinyl records were developed throughout the 20th century, their play lengths varied between about 5 minutes to 60 minutes based off of the record size, width of the grooves speed of the player, etc.

When Phillips and Sony first developed the compact disc format in the late 1970s, they specifically set its maximum length at 74 minutes to ensure that a single disc could hold all of Beethoven’s 9th symphony.

Now in the age of the mp3, a single audio file can play virtually for ever.

Many artists are left wondering whether to embrace this infinite play time as a new level of artistic freedom or a destruction of one of the defining parameters of modern music making.

In a recent interview with, indie music icon Sufjian Stevens ruminates at what seems to be a “creative crossroads”:

“I feel that the album no longer has a stronghold or has any real bearing anymore. The physical format itself is obsolete; the CD is obsolete and the LP is kinda nostalgic.
I’m wondering, what’s the value of my work once these forms are obsolete and everyone’s just downloading music?”

His attitude may be a bit dismal, but Stevens addresses an important point: How much longer will the 74-minute format govern musical creation?

In The Mix… Th(ink) About This…

Ink. Lots of ink.

Why I’m writing this…

Part of growing up is learning how to express yourself. I grew up with a lot of remarkable artists and musicians, constantly exploring new modes of expression.  Most of us were committed graffiti writers up until the age of 18 when it became a risk to go jail and pay thousands of dollars in fines. Consequently, calculus class with Mr. Irwin became the studio where some of the best art my friends and I produced in high school; drawing full sleeves on our arms with sharpies and pens. Used to having our graffiti taken down, we accepted the impermanence of our work and that in a few shower’s time every intricate design we drew on ourselves would be washed away. On the flipside, there was always a blank canvas to look forward to. Every three days or so we’d have new art on display covering our forearms keeping things fresh and current. Mr. Irwin always commented that we looked like “hoodlums” – I’m sure he never realized that we were writing out stylized interpretations of equations on our arms inspired by his…aridity. (That still remains a sort of bonus chuckle.)

No doubt this is where my fascination with body art developed, but I couldn’t imagine having a piece of my body permanently inked with one piece. My tastes change too often, and I grew fond of the idea that my arms were portable, personal, and most importantly renewable canvases.

It wasn’t until I got to college that I heard through a friend about this new ink that was supposedly removable with the single scan of a laser. My curiosity was piqued and I started researching, interviewed a few tattoo artists and discovered the following. Enjoy!

Information on do-it-yourself body art

Information on all types of body art

Impermanent tattoos: Here to stay?

Ever changed your mind? Ever thought of a better way to say something after you already said it? Or have you ever made a mistake that you just wanted to erase altogether?

Tattoos have been around for about 5,000 years, and perhaps even longer: changes of heart. The young company Freedom-2 has combined these two human traditions by creating a new type of tattoo ink that is designed specifically with future removal in mind – “Infinitink”.

The Back Story

The concept was originally developed at Duke University’s Kenan Plastic Surgery Research Center by Dr. Bruce Klitzman and surgical resident Kim Koger. The surgeons noted that mastectomy patients (patients experiencing partial or full surgical removal of the breasts) often got tattoos to simulate the areolar area around a nipple that was reconstructed from tissue. But as the breast heals, the nipple can shift position, and the patients often end up unhappy about the result. Klitzman realized that perhaps tattooing could be thought of as drawing with a “pencil instead of a pen”…

Meanwhile, another group headed by dermatologist R. Rox Anderson of Harvard Medical School had the same idea, having treated many patients who were dissatisfied with their tattoo removals.

The two groups ended up spending nearly a year in front of a judge disputing patenting rights over an embryotic idea for removable tattoos. Eventually, venture capitalist Craig Drill offered the funding for the two groups to consolidate their efforts, and the company
Freedom-2 was born.

How It Works

Freedom-2 went on to develop what is now called “P2E” technology (Particle Enhancement and Encapsulation). P2E Infinitink consists of tiny “microspheres” (roughly 1 micrometer in diameter) constructed from the same FDA approved polymers utilized in plastic surgery. They encapsulate colored dyes in place of traditional ink pigments. The microspheres also contain a dopant that absorbs a particular wavelength of light, and the right laser can synthesize enough energy to activate the dopant and burst the microsphere. Simply put, the site of the tattoo can be scanned over with a laser that will instantly disperse the microspheres, dyes, and ideally, the tattoo.

More specific information on how it works

Even MORE specific information on how it works

What people like about it:


Infinitink is ostensibly safer than many other tattoo inks on the market. The FDA website warns that though some tattoo inks are approved for cosmetic use, “none are approved for injection under the skin”. Because there have not been any widespread concerns about tattoo safety, the FDA has designated tattoo regulation a lower priority – tattooing, in fact, falls under state and local regulations. Treated like a secret recipe, most if not all ink distributors keep hush about the contents of their ink, free of pressure from health authorities. Some inks have been found to have heavy metals such as lead, iron, and even carcinogens in tattoo ink – ingredients more suitable for automobile paint.

The dye inside the Infinitink microspheres is about as harmful as water-based food coloring. Once shattered by the laser, the nano-sized microsphere fragments are small enough to be disposed of by the body like dead cells or bacteria. The removal process also causes considerably less damage to the skin than traditional tattoo removals.


Infinitink would require only one visit to a removal specialist. This saves lots of time and money, whereas traditional tattoo removals can take several visits and cost hundreds, even thousands of dollars – and a lot of pain.

*Good for Business

Martin Schmieg, CEO of Freedom-2 claims that roughly 25% of people over the age of 18 in the U.S. have tattoos, and another 25% over 18 are considered “fence sitters” – people who would like a tattoo but aren’t entirely confident about the commitment. Schmieg aspires to convert that other 25% to tattoo-getters, virtually doubling the number of tattoos in the U.S.

What people don’t like about it:


Though the removal process costs significantly less than traditional tattoo removal, the ink itself is much more expensive: a tattoo can cost up to five times more than traditional inks.

*Philosophical Concerns

Some tattoo artists feel that Infinitink undermines the tradition of commitment behind getting a permanent tattoo. To many artists, the concept of their art being given the option of “disposable” is hardly enticing, even insulting. Check out this video below to see what artists are saying about Infinitink.

Famed tattoo parlor “Miami Ink” will not allow removable ink


Because Infinitink is such a new product, the only hue that has been approved by the FDA for distribution is black, and very recently a shade of red. “It’s actually harder to use” Says tattoo artist Brenda Wynne, “You can’t use A&D ointment on it, which helps the needle glide through the skin”. According to an informational pamphlet given to Brenda and other tattoo artists by Freedom-2, the tattoo must be worn for a minimum of two years before getting removed. When asked why specifically the ointment can’t be used, or why the tattoo must be on for at least two years, she simply replied “They didn’t tell me”.


Though Infinitink is quite prospective, it still has some proving to do in the field.  Wynne claims to have 2-3 clients per month who specifically request Infinitink. “Not many people know about it yet” says Wynne. Coupled with this lack of exposure, there are still many questions that even artists like Wynne aren’t sure about. If it is going to take two years before clients can start to remove their removable tattoos, it would be inaccurate to say Infinitink has proven itself.

Artist Todd “The Todd” Sorensen cautions: “When you’re getting a tattoo, removable or not, you should consider it a permanent decision.”

Freedom-2 CEO Martin Shmieg sports and de-sports the world's first Infinitink removable tattoo.

I interviewed the owner of Stingray Body Art in Allston, MA by the name of Brenda Wynne who was kind enough to share her thoughts on Infinitink amidst a busy schedule. Here is what she had to say:

MAE: When did you first start using Infinitink?
BW: Sometime last year, I don’t really recall the date but I’d say about a year.
MAE: And has it been popular?
BW: As soon as I put it in my bio (shrugs) yeah.
MAE: For the artist, is it any different to use Infinitink as opposed to traditional inks?
BW: It’s actually harder to use – you can’t use A&D ointment with it, an ointment that helps the needle glide through the skin. They told me not to but I don’t know why, it draws the ink out for some reason. It’s also a little watery, and once you open a container of it you have to use it all, so it would cost [the tattoo-getter] more money because I have to go through a whole bottle of it once it’s open.
MAE: Is this something you would recommend to people?
BW: Yeah I’m for it, but people need to realize it is a lot more expensive. A lot of people get it for their parents, so their parents don’t freak out. I had this one guy start out with Infinitink, getting a huge sleeve and the thing is, sometimes it doesn’t heal the best and you have to go over it again. So I said to him “Look, you’re obviously not going to get this removed, just tell your dad it’s Infinitink and we’ll use real ink or it’s gonna cost you a hell of a lot more and it’s not gonna look as sharp”.
MAE: Do you do removals here?
BW: No we’re working on that, it actually requires a medical device and you have to be a doctor.
MAE: Have you seen what these tattoos look like after they’ve been removed?
BW: No, because it hasn’t been out long enough; you have to wait two years.
MAE: Physiological reasons?
BW: I don’t know, it just said that on the pamphlet they gave me.
MAE: Is this something you would advertise as a way to draw in more clients?
BW: Well you know I use all different kinds of inks that people come here for, like Vegan Ink.
MAE: Vegan ink? What animal products are found in other tattoo inks?
BW: Glycerin, which has gelatin in it.
MAE: Do you think that this is something that is going to blow up and actually become a revolutionary installment to the tattoo industry or is this just a trend?
BW: Nah it’s not gonna blow up. I think it’s gonna be a nice thing to have and to offer people but I don’t think it is going to ‘blow up’. The UV ink is a lot more popular.
MAE: UV ink?
BW: Yeah it glows in the dark! So I could tattoo your whole face and (once it heals) you wouldn’t be able to see anything until you walk under a black light.
MAE: And that has been particularly popular?
BW: Yeah it has been pretty popular, and I just found this stuff [after Infinitink] when I ran out of white and was looking for my white and I found this and was like “Whoa people are gonna love this!” .
MAE: And I’ve heard that the only Infinitink ‘color’ they have available is black?
BW: They came out with a red too but I haven’t gotten it yet. And no matter what, you cannot remove white ink. It just turns black under a laser, and I’m not sure specifically why.
MAE: Sounds like there are still a lot of questions to answer and proving to be done before Infinitink makes any big strides. Thanks for your time!
BW: Thank you!

Here are a couple more related articles on Infinitink I found interesting:

Zack Trahan, April ’10

Introducing…Noel Gourdin

Or…Reintroducing Noel Gourdin

You may have never heard of Noel Gourdin, or it may have been a while since you have heard from him, but for all of you, we have some exciting news to share. First and foremost we hope you will join Noel’s New Mailing List! Noel has recently signed to independent Boston-based Label Mass Appeal Entertainment. Since the signing, Noel has been in the studio recording his new album. The album is not yet titled and if you join the mailing list and follow Noel online, you will receive all of this information as soon as it becomes available!

Sign Up Here

The New Album

The Mass Appeal Entertainment team had the chance to preview some tracks from Noel’s new album, and were all very impressed. He continues to deliver the unique sounds from the soul that fans fell in love with when Noel first hit the music scene. Everybody here at Mass Appeal can’t wait for the day the album is ready to be released.

This album features great production offered by The Heavyweights, Surefire Music Group/Surefire Music Group Official Site, and some amazing Songwriting from Ryan Toby, Kevin Ross, Alvin Garrett, Noel himself, and more.

Noel is scheduled for his album packaging photo shoot in the coming weeks and soon you will get to see the results of this!

Join New Mailing List

Please join the new mailing list and visit Noel’s other websites! Check out these pages to hear songs off Noel’s previous album, view pictures, and receive updates regarding Noel right away. BECOME A FAN!!!

Find Noel Here

Click To Play Music

Industry Question: Record Labels vs. The Radio

There’s been a lot of hype surrounding the Performance Right’s Act and ruling for radio stations to pay performance royalties to record labels. MAE wants to know what you think!

Should radio stations have to pay record labels to play music? Is it fair to implement this law given the longstanding tradition of not having to pay performance royalties for the use of masters? Are record labels right in demanding compensation for the use of their tracks? Is the Performance Rights Act just another money making scheme being implemented to offset poor record sales or have radio stations just been stingy in compensating artists? Is the claim that radio stations provide promotion to artists and thus shouldn’t have to pay for their songs legitimate? Should there be a trade-off between promotion and royalties?

Who’s side are you on? Let us know!

For more information on the Performance Rights Act its related issues check out our blog post below!


Protected: In The Mix… Lomography

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IOTW Opinion: Radio Royalties and Record Labels

Ashley Macaulay: Radio Royalties and Record Labels

Conflict between the radio and recording industry has been escalating over new legislation proposing artist and label royalties for radio airplay. The Performance Rights Act calls for radio broadcasters to pay royalties in order to air recorded music, effectively overturning a 70 year copyright standard. If the bill passes, it potentially could force radio stations to pay around $500 million annually, which would be split between artists and record labels.

Supporters of the act claim that artists and labels deserve to be compensated for use of their work, and point out that music publishers are paid for underlying the words and composition of tracks. Sound recordings are considered intellectual property, and radio stations have fundamentally been capitalizing on artists’ and labels’ work for free. Proponents of the act believe that the royalties to artists will support not only their livelihood, but help foster further creativity and motivation. The increased revenue to labels may provide relief to the current losses accrued by falling record sales, and could supply extra income to be spent on artist support and development.

Opponents of the Performance Rights Act point out that the costs of paying royalties to radio could be disastrous. Increased spending and consequent decreased revenue to large stations may result in less spending in important areas, such as community service and outreach programs. Small stations could be forced out of business- especially local and college setups. Furthermore, stations may begin to play less music and revert to talk-shows and advertising to offset the royalty payments and costs. The act may also be detrimental to independent artists, as stations may decide it is less risky and more economical to play acts signed to major labels with an established fan base instead of trying to promote new music.

The advantages and disadvantages of the Performance Rights Act are both strongly defined and pose a wide range of problems. However, I believe that given the nature and custom of copyright law, the act should be implemented. Copyright law exists to protect intellectual property and promote innovation and is based on the idea of compensating creators and owners of work. Given the nature of radio play and the emphasis it places on recordings, I feel it is only natural that copyright law be exercised. Radio companies would simply need to adjust to the cost increase in sound recordings- just as other businesses acclimatize to price changes in factors of production. Business models could be altered and creative new ideas generated to help counteract the effect of the royalty payment, perhaps resulting in greater operational efficiency. In respect to arguments claiming that radios would revert to more talk-based shows to offset costs, I believe that such actions would significantly lower the radio consumer base and would not be highly utilized by stations.

The relationship between radio and the recording industry is reciprocal; radio needs sound recordings to attract listeners and fans and labels utilize radio extensively for artist and album promotion. Which side is “right”? Is the Performance Rights Act fair? Should radio stations be responsible for compensating artists and labels for their work? Are labels and artists wrong in seeking royalties for the airing of recorded music? Is there a better way to handle the issue?

Sources & More Information:

Summer Internships with Mass Appeal Entertainment

Mass Appeal Entertainment Internship

It is that time of year and students are returning to Boston for the Summer or looking to come to Boston for an interesting Summer Experience! Whatever your story is, we are interested in meeting you! Mass Appeal Entertainment is currently seeking interns for the Summer Semester to carry on with the post release promotion for previously released albums such as Eye Legacy from Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes, Life ‘n Love from Lisa Lisa, and Festa Mascarado from Suzanna Lubrano, as well as to assist with some high profile exciting forthcoming releases, specifically, The Process from Memphis Bleek and a new album from Noel Gourdin. It is a great time to a part of Mass Appeal Entertainment! Please take a look at the position descriptions below and if you are interested in learning more, please request more information. You can also apply by following the Application Process below!

Application Process

To apply for an internship with Mass Appeal Entertainment, please send a resume (and/or a portfolio) and cover letter to Rochelle Goldsmith. Once you email your material, we will schedule you for an interview. We will then call you once we make a decision. This is a great internship in a competitive industry so we must be firm in our selection process. However we do invite anyone who is seriously interested to put their best foot forward and apply!

The cover letter should include the following:

  • Why you want to intern with Mass Appeal?
  • What you think you can gain from a Mass Appeal internship?
  • What you think you can bring to Mass Appeal?

Thank you!


Rochelle Goldsmith
General Manager
Mass Appeal Entertainment
119 Braintree Street
Suite 211
Boston, MA. 02134
Direct: 646-290-8256
IM: rolu03
Twitter: @massappealent
Twitter: @Seeindaworld

Mass Appeal Entertainment Internship Positions

As a general overview, there are currently THREE Internship Departments. These include Marketing, Creative, and General Business Administration (GBA). A detailed description of the positions, qualifications, and some responsibilities are listed below. There are various ways in which an intern will find there assignment in any one of the departments.

  1. An intern may initially have a strong interest in one of the departments and may request placement in a more specialized internship.
  2. After excelling in the GBA department, an intern may be requested to transition to a specialized department for further progression both in the intern’s development AND for the greater good of Mass Appeal Entertainment.
  3. Mass Appeal Entertainment Management may accept an intern for the purpose of building a specified department.
  4. The Creative positions require a certain level of skill, prior experience, and specialized knowledge and therefore will be staffed only by interns in the given field.

General Campaign Assistance with a large focus on New Media Marketing:

Marketing Interns will sit down with Management to learn about the different Mass Appeal Entertainment Artists and Projects and brainstorm innovative and creative ways to effectively expose the product to the public. This will include reviewing grassroots and viral marketing techniques, print, and new media outlets. We are seeking smart, motivated, computer savvy, music-loving individuals to handle our street marketing and promotions, New Media strategies, focus groups, product testing, and event marketing. Interns will become a vital part of the online music marketing process by implementing marketing plan initiatives and creating awareness campaigns for a number of Mass Appeal Entertainment artists and brands. They will also be given a chance to preview and express views on some of the latest releases.Interns will be briefed on the techniques necessary in the New Media, Grassroots, and Viral Marketing elements of Mass Appeal Entertainment’s General Marketing Campaign. They will be provided with a detailed Initiative guide with lists of key websites, including but not limited to: social networking sites, music and culture sites, Artist fan sites, message boards/forums, and content hosted sites.

The Marketing interns must be able to identify, assess, and build relationships with new social networking, general music, and lifestyle websites. These great contacts will be acquired by the interns, and will therefore be available to them future projects.The Marketing Interns and New Media team will be responsible for seeding the digital content received by the Graphic Design interns and distributing it through the web.Qualifications for this position include:

  • A love of music and entertainment
  • Strong interest and at least basic knowledge of Marketing, Advertising, and Publicity
  • Must be a strong writer with excellent spelling and grammar
  • Must be proficient in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, AOL, and other Internet designs
  • Must be comfortable working in a team setting with regards to accepting responsibility and an outstanding capacity to pay attention to detail and follow through
  • Creative individuals are encouraged to apply

New Media:

The intern will receive credit for his/her experience, as well as, extensive knowledge in addressing the target markets for specific projects throughout the world wide web, the knowledge of various technology/social networking sites, and the ability to provide substantial feedback on the quality of Mass Appeal Entertainment’s projects . The New Media Interns will work closely with the Marketing Campaign and Creative interns to spread visually creative content on various websites designed to increase Mass Appeal Entertainment’s Artists exposure.Qualifications for this position include:

  • A love of music and entertainment
  • Strong interest and at least basic knowledge of Marketing, Advertising, and Publicity
  • Must be a strong writer with excellent spelling and grammar
  • Must be proficient in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, AOL, and other Internet designs
  • Must be comfortable working in a team setting with regards to accepting responsibility and an outstanding capacity to pay attention to detail and follow through
  • Creative individuals are encouraged to apply

New Media Interns will:

  • Work in a variety of social communities and message boards where they will post Mass Appeal Entertainment content as him or herself.
  • Search for new communities, blogs, and networks for Mass Appeal Entertainment to use to promote music as the library and catalog of talent goes into new and emerging genres.
  • Work with Management to promote artists and develop content for social networking and music websites.
  • Support and maintain the maintenance of social networking sites for artists. (including but not limited to: MySpace, facebook, imeem, beebo, hi5, blackplanet, etc)
  • Work with YouTube and other viral video websites to promote video content.
  • Track content placement on the Internet, taking screen shots, and building reports with statistical data using web based tools like and

Graphic Design

Mass Appeal Entertainment is looking for Graphic Designers to work on a variety of projects including, but not limited to: album covers, CD labels, One-sheets, posters, flyers, online banners, ads, and innovative Marketing Material. We would really like to see some ‘out of the box’ ideas that can be distributed digitally by our New Media team. Our artists represent different genres and musical trends, and the Graphic Designer must be able to capture an artist’s musical personality in their design. We are always looking to build our content with innovation and passion. We want your work to be seen in as many places as possible, both in the digital and physical world. We are currently in a re-vamping stage and will need an abundance of content to create maximum awareness and exposure for our projects. You can and will work closely with New Media interns and Management who will be responsible for posting the creative content.The intern will receive credit for his/her experience, as well as, portfolio and resume enhancement. The Graphic Designers will work closely with the other interns to visualize and execute the most creative and effective strategies to portray the ideas of Mass Appeal Entertainment.Qualifications for this position include:

  • Prior graphic design experience
  • Excellent knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign or equivalent such as Quark, or Quark Express
  • Excellent understanding and experience in branding: including what branding means and its importance to the recognition, credibility, and quality of an artist’s product
  • Ability to produce multiple drafts quickly and efficiently
  • Ability to take initiative and conduct current market research of trends in; design, music, fashion, and current label artists then incorporate research into designs that reflect each Artists’ style, music and branding
  • Improve and refine consistency of design themes and branding
  • Demonstrate ability to multi-task and consistently meet deadlines
  • Comprehend marketing strategy and offer design solutions that will help promote the Mass Appeal Entertainment’s Artist roster
  • Must be comfortable working independently and in a team setting with regards to accepting responsibility
  • Must have an outstanding capacity to pay attention to detail

Web Design:

Interns will be responsible for designing or re-designing Mass Appeal Entertainment’s internet presence on a variety of websites including social networking sites, individual artist websites, and creating innovative platforms to increase awareness of Mass Appeal Entertainment owned content. It will be important to integrate all aspects of Mass Appeal content, including Audio and Visual capabilities, preferably with interactive features. We would like to incorporate the graphic design and video aspects of Mass Appeal’s documentation into our web design projects.The intern will receive credit for his/her experience, as well as, portfolio and resume enhancement. The Web Designer will work closely with Graphic Designers and Management to display the content provided by Mass Appeal Entertainment.Qualifications for this position include:

  • Prior web design experience
  • HTML/Flash knowledge required
  • Willing to discuss equipment and program needs for this position.
  • An excellent understanding of (and experience in) branding: including what branding means and its importance to the recognition, credibility, and quality of an artist’s product.
  • Ability to produce fully functional results in a timely manner.
  • Must be comfortable working in a team setting with regards to accepting responsibility and an outstanding capacity to pay attention to detail.


Videographers will need to be at location with video equipment (your own or property of Mass Appeal) to collect footage pertaining to documenting an artists development and also the record labels development. The video footage will be used in an online video blogging system, as well as on DVD’s and Reels produced under Mass Appeal Entertainment.Video Editors (If different from above) will be responsible for manipulating and editing the video footage collected by the Videographers, and possibly working with the Videographers or Mass Appeal Entertainment Management to make sure the most effective shots are being executed. The video editor will also be responsible for compressing the footage to be uploaded as a video blog to document all record label progress. The interns will receive credit for his/her experience, as well as, portfolio and resume enhancement. The Videographer will work closely with the Video Editor to visualize and execute the most creative and effective video strategy to portray the ideas of Mass Appeal Entertainment.Qualifications for this position include:

  • Prior video capturing and/or editing experience required
  • Willing to discuss equipment and program needs for this position.
  • An excellent understanding of (and experience in) all video capturing elements including sound, lighting, and B-Roll footage
  • Knowledge of equipment and software is necessary
  • Ability to work effectively and efficiently AND to produce drafts in a timely manner.
  • Must be comfortable working in a team setting with regards to accepting responsibility and an outstanding capacity to pay attention to detail.

General Business Administration

Any interns that are not assigned to OR do not choose to be in a specific ‘department’ will be included in the General Business Administration (GBA). This means that the interns might handle some tasks from each department, as well as, handle any request from Management without a departmental classification. The General and Specific duties outlined in the beginning of this document cover the wide range of responsibilities that may be requested at any given time. It is also within the GBA that most of the interns will start their internships, and upon gaining further knowledge and developing their interests, they can easily transition to a specific department.

Intern of the Week!!

Mass Appeal Entertainment’s
Intern of the Week:

Mary Aldrich

Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your Internship go? With fresh ideas and many posts, you are proving how easy it is to steal the show! Mary was in interesting addition to the team since she is studying Business Administration with a Management major and African American Studies minor. She also attends Northeastern University and her efficiency and effectiveness seem to come naturally and we greatly appreciate her here. Mary is an absolute pleasure to have in the office and we are looking forward to seeing what ideas she will bring to the table!

  1. The first CD I ever bought was: Fugees – The Score
  2. The artist I admire the most is:I really admire Wyclef for his work with Haiti especially in light of the recent tragedy there
  3. I’m hoping this experience at MAE will: introduce me to the music industry and provide me with my first work experience in the field.
  4. My dream vacation would be: Relaxing in over-the-water bungalows in Bora Bora
  5. One album I could listen to constantly is: Ready to Die
  6. On my iPod you will find: Diverse mix from hip-hop and R&B to classic rock and soul
  7. My ideal job would be: A&R executive for a successful record label.
  8. When I’m not interning at MAE you can find me: At school or spending time with my family and friends
  9. My guilty pleasure song is: “Blame It” by Jamie Foxx – I think Autotune is best left to Zapp & Roger Troutman usually!
  10. 3 words that describe me are: loyal, driven, and independent.

In The Mix…Cancun, Mexico

Are you a student looking to book a spring break trip? Are you someone that’s taking a trip to Cancun, Mexico and wants some information about it? If so, this article is for you. I recently just spent my spring break in Cancun for the second year in a row and I couldn’t have asked for a better vacation. Cancun showed me a side of nightlife that I had only dreamed of. Here in the United States, most people are familiar with clubs playing hip-hop for most of the night and not much variation of music by the DJ. The DJ’s in Cancun played so many genres of music to really get the crowd going. When I got back from Cancun, I went on a downloading spree of music that I heard being played in the clubs or on the beach. I downloaded all sorts of music from Rock to House, even some Merengue, which before Cancun, I never thought I’d like. Between beautiful beaches, tons of other fun activities, and the premiere club life, Cancun, Mexico is definitely the place to be for spring break.

There are a wide variety of hotels to choose from in Cancun, but if you want to get the true spring break experience that you see on MTV, or in the movies, there is only one hotel that can deliver, and that’s the Oasis Cancun. This hotel is a dreamland for college students. The Oasis is a 24/7 party. That would probably be the best way to describe a stay at the Oasis Cancun during spring break. From the moment you walk on the beach the party starts. There is a stage set up right on the beach equipped with a DJ, loud, blaring speakers, and a hype man usually sent by the sponsoring company. This year for spring break 2010, Studentcity combined with Rockstar Energy Drink as the sponsor. Rockstar held contests all day everyday for spring breakers to get wild and crazy, and at the same time, to possibly win some Rockstar prizes. If you decide that you want to just kick back, relax and get away from the party for a few hours, just go sit by the gorgeous, enormous pool. The pool is surrounded by beach chairs to layout, and equipped with three swim up bars. You can even enjoy a poolside massage from the Oasis’s very own spa. The spa offers massages, body treatments, facials, waxing, hair care, and nail care. Everything one would need to relax, no?

Oasis News Blog

The Food

Obviously the food isn’t gourmet by any means but it does the job. I think I speak for all students when I say the cheaper the better. Students typically aren’t looking to spend any more money then necessary and spending money on food certainly is not necessary. The buffet usually consists of hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, and some sort of pasta. There are other various dishes but those change day by day. If you want to switch it up for a meal, there are a vast amount of restaurants to choose from depending on the package you purchased from the Oasis. My roommates and I were skeptical about the food but to our surprise, we were quite pleased.

The Rooms

Now we move on to the rooms. To say the least, these rooms aren’t something you would see out of the Ritz Carlton, more rather something out of a motel you would stop at during the family road trip to Grandma’s house. The rooms come with sliding screen doors with a small balcony, two queen sized beds, TV, dresser, closet, and a full bathroom. When it came to the cleanliness of the rooms, I was happy. The towels were restocked everyday, sheets were changed and bed was remade everyday. Any problems I had with the room, I would inform the front desk and maintenance was there in a timely fashion to fix the problem.


Now let’s get in to the good stuff, Cancun, Mexico’s club life. Downtown Cancun offers a huge selection of bars and clubs for spring breakers to get wild and crazy. When reading reviews of other spring break destinations and judging from other destinations that I have ventured to, Cancun seems to stand out amongst the others for its exciting nightlife. Between the major clubs and the smaller bars, there is always something to do in Cancun. The clubs that I partied at were: The City, Basic, Dadyo’s, Bull Dog’s, and the beach party hosted by The City.

’The City’: Cancun, Mexico

‘The City’ is actually a venue and is the largest entertainment center in Latin America. In addition to being a nightclub, ‘The City’ is a desired performance destination to some of the world’s most renowned recording artists. Artists that have performed here include; Fergie, Ludacris, Akon, Tiesto, Paul Van Dyk, 50 Cent, and many more. At ‘The City’, there are different shows every night. With a capacity of 5,000 people, ‘The City’ has the largest capacity out of any night club in Cancun. ‘The City’ boasts 9 different bars, a 1,000,000 watt sound system, 650 sq ft. of video screens, and 8,000 sq ft. of dance floor. All that being said, my friends and I had an absolute blast at ‘The City’. The waiters were very efficient and friendly, the club was clean and well maintained, and the party was insane. I was honestly taken back by the fact that I was in a night club and not in an arena at a concert. It was absolutely amazing. We went to ‘The City’ the first night we got to Cancun and what a way to begin the mayhem.

’Basic’: Cancun, Mexico

‘Basic’ is the only club not located in the heart of downtown Cancun. It’s location is unique in that the club is built over Cancun’s Lagoon. In order to get to ‘Basic’, people have to cross a short boardwalk over the bay. The half open architecture that offers an extraordinary view is ‘Basic’s most distinctive feature and sets it apart from the other Cancun nightclubs. The structure is built in the shape of a dome but there are openings in the ceilings and walls. This feature offers beautiful views of the stars and Lagoon. The music consists of mostly House music and Hip-Hop played by some of the best DJ’s in the world. ‘Basic’ does a bikini contest every Wednesday night where girls from all around the globe volunteer to strut their stuff and compete to win money. I believe the winner won an all expense paid trip back to Cancun. My favorite part about ‘Basic’ is the dance floor. The dance floor is a wood plank that moves up and down with the crowd. To make things even crazier, ‘Basic’ shoots water out of the dance floor so everybody is soaked. This can make a good night, into an insane night. Basic isn’t as flashy as the rest of the clubs but we still had a great time. A spring break trip to Cancun isn’t complete without a trip to ‘Basic’.

’Dady’O’: Cancun, Mexico

‘Dady’O’ is probably my favorite club Cancun has to offer. ‘Dady’O’ is a premiere nightclub that can compete with any nightclub, anywhere in the world. From the minute you walk in to ‘Dady’O’ you can see how serious this club really is. The club’s Amazing lighting system mixed with the rock ceilings and walls creates a magical atmosphere that heightens all senses. The state-of-the-art sound system, blasts of CO2 effects, the Laser Show, and invigorating music played by some of the world’s best DJs are the reasons why this club is known as the favorite “Hot Spot” in all of Cancun. ‘Dady’O’ offers six bars set up strategically around the club for easy access for clubbers to get their drinks. Various stages set up around the club give spring breakers a chance to be noticed and make things even crazier. ‘Dady’O’ offers unique VIP areas in which clubbers can order food all night, and waiters come around with fast and efficient bottle service. We had such a great time at ‘Dady’O’. We got put in a VIP section that was located in a little cove like structure right to the side of the dance floor. It was like we had our own little section of the club. The fog machines and advanced lighting and sound systems make ‘Dady’O’ a must see club while on your spring break vacation.

’Bull Dog Café’: Cancun, Mexico

Again, another amazing club in Cancun, Mexico. My friends and I had one of the craziest nights we had in Cancun thanks to ‘Bulldog’s’. To be completely honest, there’s nothing about this club that really jumps out at you and makes you say wow. They have the lights, the confetti, the balloons, the music, the contests and the fog but there’s just nothing to special except…the giant hot tub waterfall that is located next to the stage in the club. Let’s just say people get down when they get in to that hot tub. The best part about it, is that it’s reserved for ladies only. Bulldog’s is moderately sized, a little smaller than ‘Dady’O’ but big enough to have a great time. The large stage is reserved for ladies as well. But the lower tier of the stage is for anyone that is ready to party. ‘Bulldog’s’ was definitely one of the best nights in Cancun for me and I would recommend going there to any spring breaker.

At the end of the day, having a good time in Cancun really comes down to how good you want to make it. That being said, these clubs along with staying at Oasis are definitely a good way to enhance the “fun factor” of your trip. If you’re looking to go away for spring break, forget Panama City, forget Acapulco, forget the Bahamas, and all other places for that matter, because it’s all about Cancun.

Here are some resources that might help you when booking a trip to Cancun, Mexico. My friends and I used AAA, Travel and were happy with their services.

Student City

StudentCity, they’re dedicated to helping you celebrate your college years through travel. In fact, it’s all they do. They specialize in providing you with The Ultimate Spring Break Experience with all-inclusive packages, ultra-exclusive incentives, flexible payment plans and more at the lowest prices. And they’re with you every step of the way. From the planning stage to the travel stage and beyond, The StudentCity team of travel professionals will do everything they can to ensure you have an unforgettable Spring Break vacation experience.

  • Hours of FREE drinks
  • Express-entry into the most popular clubs
  • Front & center at the hottest concerts
  • Exclusive invites to private celebrity parties

With StudentCity you can party like a rock star every night — while everyone else watches.

Student Travel Services (STS)

Student Travel Services was founded in 1984 by two Cornell University graduates who shared one common goal: to specialize in the marketing and operation of travel services designed specifically for students. Since their foundation in 1984, STS has handled the travel plans of over 300,000 student travelers. This tremendous volume gives STS a great deal of negotiating power, enabling them to assemble quality vacation packages within the budget confines of the student traveler. Today, they have evolved into one of America’s premier collegiate tour operators, having student organizations, travel agents, and campus representatives representing STS on over 1000 campuses throughout the United States.

AAA Travel

AAA Travel is one of the world’s largest travel agencies, with more than 1,000 offices in the U.S. and Canada. AAA Travel can handle all of your travel needs. From local tours to excursions around the world, our travel staff has the experience and know-how to make the arrangements that are right for you.

For nearby destinations or cross-country motor trips, your Club’s experienced auto travel counselors will provide you with prompt, personalized, over-the-counter service. Each trip you take is especially planned for you, with all details tailored to your personal requirements regarding time, expenses, and itinerary. Auto Travel counselors in AAA offices in the US and Canada assure you of the finest travel planning service. These experts have at their fingertips the most complete, accurate and up-to-date auto travel information available. You can stop at your nearest AAA office, call 877-TripTik (877-874-7845) toll-free and have your trip completely planned for you.

Student Universe

StudentUniverse is the largest online travel agency for students in the US. The company was founded as a student travel agency in 1992, but they launched their site in 1999 and they have been online since then. They’re a technology company that loves clean, easy-to-use, efficient services. StudentUniverse offers airfares, hotels, hostels, travel insurance, car rental, rail passes and more. Millions of students use this site every year and they negotiate with all of their partners to give customers the best possible deals. StudentUniverse is the preferred student partner for If you would like to work with StudentUniverse please contact them.

Spring Break Travel

Spring Break Travel, in operation since 1987, is known on campus as the most reliable and ethical company in the industry. Having sent hundreds of thousands of students on Spring Break, they have the experience and expertise necessary to provide students with quality and reliable travel packages. Spring Break Travel has an impeccable complaint history. They are a member of the Better Business Bureau Online Reliability Program and the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA).

Student Traveler

STUDENT TRAVELER IS THE LARGEST STUDENT TRAVEL MEDIA! THE COMPANY OFFERS CAMPUS POSTERING, STUDENT TRAVELER FAIRS, and PRINT/WEB/EMAIL ADVERTISING! Student Traveler has been published since 1997 and has successfully promoted clients such as STA Travel, Contiki Holidays, American Express, Fiji Tourism, Tourist Office of Spain, and Australian Tourist Commission.


Founded in 2000, Explorica helps teachers create educational tours full of authentic, interactive learning experiences. Explorica specializes in connecting teachers and students to new cultures, languages and people on educational tours across the globe.
Explorica’s combination of exclusive online tools and personalized service enables them to create tours uniquely suited to provide both the best value and the most customized tours in the industry.
Every Explorica tour includes flights or bus transportation, accommodations, on-tour transportation, most meals and an expert, full-time Tour Director dedicated to your group. And with there veteran Program Consultants, Customer Care Representatives, and comprehensive, user-friendly website, they’re always here to support you from the moment you contact them, to the minute you shout bon voyage!

Mexico Spring Break

Mexico Spring Break (MSB) is a subsidiary of Mexico Destinations, Inc. (MDI), a multi-faceted travel and entertainment dynasty that has evolved in the past decade to become your preferred choice for events and concerts, tour operators, travel agencies, event planning and promotional excursions. The agency headquarters are located at 928 C Street, San Diego, CA 92101 in downtown San Diego, California.

There multi-state bus tours cover over 75 colleges and universities reaching over 1.5 million enrolled college students. Advertisements include radio, print and outdoor (including digital billboards), exposed throughout all major West Coast regions. Plus, because they are a specialized year-round tour-operator in Mexico, MSB offers only the best – and can even attain exclusive access and the lowest prices available.

MSB promotional teams are partnerships with only the hottest and latest brands, models and merchandise to ensure that our events are the preferred places to go. There performers are among the biggest names and artists at the top of the charts. Previous performers include: Sean Paul, Mobb Deep, Paul Wall, Mike Jones, Frankie J, Natalie, Pitbull, Baby-Bash, Eek-a-Mouse, Lil’ Wayne, Fabulous, Fat Joe, Jim Jones, Petey Pablo, Little John, Too Short, Federation, The Game, E-40, The Dogg Pound, Warren-G, Mack 10, Dj Tiesto, Suga Free, The Baka Boyz, Alejandra Guzman, Paul Van Dyke, G-Unit and many more!

MSB parties have also been hosted by Playboy Playmates, MTV cast-members from Real World, Road Rules, Laguna Beach, etc. and even the Hawaiian Tropic girls, among others.

Mexico Destinations, Inc. is a member of and registered with the following business organizations to insure that you are traveling with a company that will deliver what you were promised worth more than what you paid!

STA Travel

STA Travel is a global travel specialist with 30 years of experience advising young people on holidays and adventures abroad. They offer a unique range of flights, accommodation, tours and expeditions in 90 countries and send over 6 million passengers away each year. STA Travel has over 400 branches worldwide.

STA Travel Blog

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